​​"I don't consider myself an expert on the topic of sexual molestation—only an expert on what happened to me. I survived!  That may give people hope that they, too, can survive.   My volunteer work over the years with hundreds of sexually-abused men and women has inspired me with their courage and perseverance, and I want to inspire others.

Imaging of an abuse victim’s brain shows a noticeable change, an imprint different from a non-victim’s brain. The abuse itself, the lies we’re told by the perpetrator, and the lies we tell ourselves—all this can actually change the circuitry in our brains! But new research shows that these lies can be unlearned.

 I’m no expert, I’m just me.  And I’m still unlearning."  
“Mr. Samarzia is a compelling, believable and articulate speaker when discussing this matter, and the matter he discusses is of deep concern to millions of men and women around the country.”

Susan Stanich, award-winning reporter who covered
 his story for The Duluth News Tribune


          David Samarzia is available to speak at your group or conference 


  • The publicity over David’s lawsuit catapulted his name into the media spotlight. In 1999 he was named by The Duluth News Tribune as one of the best-known Minnesotans (second only to Bob Dylan, Duluth's native son).
  •  WORLD magazine included David's story in its July 25, 1998, article: “Cover-up — Not an Option.”  Christianity Today covered the story in the July 13, 1998, edition. 
  •  David was interviewed on local TV channels 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. He spoke on talk shows for radio stations KDAL and KKMS (“The Cutting Edge”) and on MN Public Radio.
  •  Peter Jennings of ABC’s World News Tonight filmed a segment about David’s case. CBS Dallas interviewed David, and also Newsweek and NBC's Dateline.
  • The Duluth News Tribune and The Budgeteer News covered his story extensively, as did the Minneapolis Star Tribune and the St. Paul Pioneer Press.


  • "The Problem of Protestant Abuse"  ——  Why did Christianity Today say (3/5/18), “Protestant pedophilia may dwarf the horrors that have been exposed in the Catholic Church”?
  • "The Legal Loophole"  ——  How is it possible that a self-confessed serial child molester, having been found guilty multiple times through more than seven years of trial and appeals, can walk away a free man—no fines, no jail time, no criminal record, no need to be listed on any sex-offender registry? He could be living next door to you and your children, and police or community officials aren't obligated to tell anyone. Maybe even they don’t know.​
  • "Statutes of Limitations"  ——  Why is the statute of limitations a problem when it comes to criminal sex-abuse cases? And what is the difference between a criminal case and a civil case?
  • "Deep Pockets: The Cost of Clergy Sex Abuse"  ——  Is it possible MY church could be sold to pay the judgment in a clergy sex-abuse case? Isn't there insurance for that kind of thing? Doesn't the responsibility lie with church hierarchy who train and send out ministers? 
  • "Closure vs. Cope-sure" ——  Sometimes closure isn’t possible, but coping is OK too; why being kind to yourself is important. The difference between shame and guilt, and why it matters.